december, 2024

Event Details
This Navex (Navigational Exercise) is
Event Details
This Navex (Navigational Exercise) is a Scatter which is a small motorsport event held on public roads. The two Competitors (Driver and Navigator) will plot 20 locations on the map at the start of the event. At each of these locations can be found an answer to a question provided on a clue sheet. Competitors visit as many locations as they wish, in any order, following a route of their choice. A maximum score will be achieved if 15 locations are visited with correct answers provided from each within the overall time limit. The event will cover approximately 60 miles and take about 3 hours (2 hours on the road). Virtually any standard car is suitable.
Find out more about Navex’s Here
12 car Entry
(Friday) 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Ross Sports Car Park
Ross & District Motor Sports