august, 2023

Event Details
Event Details
Good day to all competitors,
…but it’s not really very good!
The Hatsford Targa Road Rally is being postponed to 20th August because of the ground conditions.
We have not taken this decision lightly, but the ground is still too soft after the wettest July since 2017 (and 2007, of course). We have had nearly six inches of rain here in July. Just ten cars would leave fairly deep tracks and damage the land too much. If it was going to be dry with a decent wind for the next week, then it might be OK, but the forecast is for some rain every day, and there would be no chance of us being able to run a decent event. You wouldn’t be thanking us!
Some forecasts (and we have looked at a lot!) seem to think that the weather will settle down after about 8th August, so we are going to postpone rather than cancel and move the event (lock, stock and barrel) to Sunday 20th August.
The change of date will mean that the event cannot be part of the ASWMC Targa Championship, but it will still be part of the Cotswold Targa Championship.
Those who cannot make (or prefer not to compete on) the new date, will get a full refund of entry fee – and membership fees, if paid. It would be helpful if one crew member from each car would e-mail me in the next day or so to inform me of whether you will be competing on the new date or not and therefore accept the original ‘paperwork’ and entry declarations etc onto the new date.
Those that cannot compete on the new date and wish to have a refund, please e-mail me with your bank sort code, bank account number and the EXACT name on the account. Those who paid by PayPal will get their refund through PayPal not BACS.
We are very sorry that it has come to this and regret any loss of enjoyment for you, but rest assured that we have been forced into this. We will make a final decision on Sunday 13th, about whether to run on 20th August. If not then, it will be cancelled for this year.
Fingers crossed for dry days until 20th
Hatsford Targa Entry Fee
(Sunday) 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Aylton, Herefordshire, HR8 2QJ, 149/645364. W3W is ///warm.suggested.cowboy
Ross & District Motor Sports